Focus Surrey threw itself into its first ever on-line fundraising activity in March, by inviting its supporters to raise funds whilst taking a well-earned break to treat themselves to a facial.
"The products were so lovely and Shakti so knowledgeable" and "It was the most time I've spent on facial care for years. It was a real treat!" Focus Surrey supporters said.
The sold out event was run in conjunction with Shakti Maragh, a Neal's Yard Independent Consultant. Shakti arranged for facial kits to be delivered to all the attendees prior to the event and then talked them through a skincare routine on the evening. Parents appreciated having a bit of time to themselves, with one saying "It reminded me of my old life before kids, when I had time to book a facial and look after myself!" They felt the benefits of the moisturising whilst sipping on a herbal tea or a cheeky glass of wine! Shakti shared her knowledge of oils and fragrances and answered parents questions, a favourite one being "what fragrance will help my child sleep better!"
Everyone left the evening feeling relaxed and fresh faced, and we raised an amazing £781.25 for the club:
£241.25 from Neal's Yard products bought after the pamper evening as Shakti generously donated her commission to Focus Surrey
£420 in ticket sales
and £120 through voluntary donations when the participants registered for the event.
We are blown away and so grateful for everyone's generosity.