As part of #nationalvolunteerweek2022 Holly aged 10, explains why she enjoys being the youngest volunteer at Focus Surrey.
Holly who has supported the club and comes along most weeks with her mum Sue Archdall, Focus Surrey co-founder and chairperson and older sister Emily who attends the club. Holly either comes with her mum Sue or her dad Richard who also supports the charity.
It was aged 4, in July 2016, that Holly attended her first Focus Surrey event a Dragon Boat Race. Since then Holly has attended many other fundraisers, independently sold raffle tickets to her own teachers and friends, and baked and sold cakes for fairs.
More recently Holly has helped with writing the name tags for the volunteers at training and putting out the biscuits and teas and coffees. Holly also made all the playdough each week for the children to use in Term 9.
"I volunteer because I get to help the volunteers and help the children. If the volunteers don't volunteer, the club won't run and the children won't get the help that they need. Some children need ABA to help them talk and communicate with other children. My big sister Emily goes to the club where she gets to meet new friends."
Holly also likes to play with the brothers and sisters of the children who are in the parents room with their mum or dad waiting for their siblings.
Holly has also helped at the recent SEN discos baking cakes, setting up her own stall at the Christmas disco. "I had a light shop. I sold glow sticks and glow balls for the charity."
"At the Easter SEN disco I dressed up as the Easter bunny and I made sure everyone got two eggs."
"Focus Surrey feels like a big community because all the volunteers help each other out," Holly says.
"The volunteers get the toys the child likes from the cupboard and that makes the children happy. That's the thing I really like about the club is seeing the children happy."
Holly asked to say: "I have a disability too, I have cerebral palsy. I want to show different volunteers you can volunteer if you have a disability, even if you are little."
Well done Holly, you are a star so are your parents and sister!